Mid sixth century apse mosaic, Saint Catherine’s Monastery, Egypt

 Nikola Benin

Mid sixth century apse mosaic, Saint Catherine’s Monastery, Egypt – These beautiful Late Antique mosaics have a special focus on the history of holy places near the Monastery, whose official name is the Sacred Monastery of the God-Trodden Mount Sinai.
The wall mosaics above the apse show two scenes from the life of Moses, associated with sacred sites venerated at this location. On the top left, a young Moses is shown before the burning bush, removing the sandals from his feet. His gaze is fixed on the hand of God, which is appearing to him --- On the top right, a slightly older looking Moses is receiving the law from the hand of God --- Directly above the apse are two angels, each is holding an orb and a rod topped with a cross, symbols of authority --- On the bottom left is a medallion image of Saint John the Baptist and on the bottom right is a medallion image of the Virgin Mary --- Within the apse mosaic itself, an old looking Moses (identified by the inscription MѠYCHC) stands next to the transfigured Christ.
The monastic church at Mount Sinai was built between 548 and 565 by the Emperor Justinian I (527-565) at the site venerated as the location where Moses spoke to God in the burning bush near what is identified as Mount Sinai, venerated as the location where Moses received the ten commandments. The apse mosaic was likely installed by local patrons at some point in the second half of the sixth century. The mosaics focus on the three scenes where the Old Testament Prophet Moses witnessed manifestations of divine glory at – the Burning Bush at the Mountain of God, receiving the ten commandments at the Mount Sinai, and appearing at the Transfiguration of Christ upon a high mountain in Galilee, traditionally identified with Mount Tabor.


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